Spiritual Warfare Prayer

A lot of you asked for this prayer after I mentioned it on another episode.  Spiritual Warfare is done with WORDS and I’ve found the words in this prayer to be incredibly powerful when under oppression by spiritual evil.  Feel free to focus on the paragraphs that pertain to your situation, or just pray the entire prayer.  I STRONGLY recommend praying this out loud, because I don’t believe demonic entities can hear our thoughts


Warfare Prayer For Increased Demonic Attack

In the name of Yahushua Ha Mashiach, King of kings and Master of masters, we ask you
to fill us to overflowing with your precious Holy Spirit, Ruach Hakodesh, as we pray
these words in your mighty and powerful name.

Your Word teaches that we have the power and authority to tread on serpents, scorpions,
and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt us (Luke
10:19), and so Heavenly Father, we pray that all forms of evil in our lives, and that of
our loved ones, be sent back NOW to your feet for judgment.

You have already won the victory Yahushua, conquering evil, sin and death for all time,
and we declare these truths in this realm this day. Father, we come to your courtroom,
entering Your gates with thanksgiving and Your courts with praise, asking that our sins
and transgressions be forgiven, as we forgive all those who have come against us in this
lifetime. Please Father hear our prayers and petitions on behalf of ourselves, our loved
ones, and all of your children.

We ask you now Father to avenge us of the enemy of our souls. Greater is You, Father
who is in us, than he, the adversary who is in the world. No weapon formed against us
will prosper and every tongue that rises up against us, You have condemned. This is our
heritage as sons and daughters of the Most High, and our righteousness is from You.
All enemies of our soul, we send you to the court of Our Father, The Great I AM. We
break you, all evil spirits and ask for the Holy Spirit to destroy you by fire and bring you
to ashes. Every power declaring dominion over us, you are a LIAR! Break and be
brought to ashes in Yahushua’s mighty name. Serpent of death and every strong man,
break and be brought to ashes in Yahushua’s mighty name.

Every attempt at satanic or witchcraft programming of any kind, break and be brought to
ashes by Yahushua’s Holy Spirit Fire. Every mouth that speaks any wickedness against
us, break in Yahushua’s mighty name. Any power that is reporting us to satan or his
demons, break and be destroyed in Yahushua’s mighty name. May every stolen blessing
come back to us in the name of Yahushua Ha Mashiach. We bind, smash, and send back
to You Yahushua for judgment, all demonic thrones, principalities and dominions,
powers, minions, territorial and tribal spirits, and any and all demonic spirits who are
attempting to infiltrate our lives in any way.

We forbid any and all of satan’s demons from exerting influence over any area of our
lives- our workplace, our vehicle(s) and transportation, our dwelling place, our finances,
our health, our children, our spouse, our relatives, our interactions with others, and the
region where we live and work.

Whatever it is, we forbid them from operating against us today and always in themighty
name of Yahushua Ha Mashiach. We pray for Holy Spirit fire to bind, smash and send
back to Yahushua for judgment all demonic altars throughout the world and in the
heavenlies. We ask Yahushua to seal those portals now in Your mighty name, never
again to be opened.

We bind and smash witchcraft in any form. We bind and smash all witch and warlock
covens, witchcraft control and activity- all chants, spells, curses, hexes, vexes,
divination, white or black magic, incantations, incarnations of demonic entities,
meditation, or any type of magic in any form, and we cancel all witchcraft assignments,
especially those projected against us and our loved ones. Break and be destroyed now,
being brought to ashes by the power of The Holy Spirit and in the mighty name of
Yahushua. Every witchcraft registry that includes our destinies or that of our loved ones,
break and be destroyed now by the fire of The Holy Spirit.

We bind, smash, and send to Yahushua anything, whatsoever, that is sent by the
demonic, witches and warlocks from the astral world, cancelling all astral travel of every
kind. We cancel NOW with the blood of Yahushua all witchcraft blood sacrifices done in
mockery and rebellion of the only true blood sacrifice of Yahushua. We render all blood
sacrifices made by all witches and warlocks, and anyone caught up in the demonic in
any realm of the earthly or spiritual worlds to be null and void and cancelled NOW by
the blood of Yahushua.

We declare that every evil pronouncement into the atmosphere that has been made
against us and our loved ones be nullified and destroyed NOW by Yahushua’s Holy
Spirit Fire. We bind, smash, and send for judgment to Yahushua all demonic kings,
princes, and world rulers who are representatives of every demonic spirit ever known or
unknown. Yahushua’s power and authority strips each and every demonic spirit and its
hierarchy of power, armor, and rank, and we pray Yahushua that you would separate
every demonic spirit from each other. Father speak confusion into the ranks of the
enemy, and declare their assignments against us this moment are hereby rendered null
and void in your mighty name. We ask you Yahushua to paralyze their tongues and
curses, rituals and blood sacrifices. Cause confusion Father in their ranks and with their
communications, and distort and sever all contact between every demonic being known
or unknown. We declare that every demonic utterance be scattered and fragmented in
Yahushua’s mighty name; and for every attempt a demonic spirit makes against us, we
pray Father that you will send recompense seven times more powerful back against that
spirit or spirits and destroy them completely. Father, You have declared that all demonic
spirits are rendered powerless because of Your sacrifice, and we come into agreement
with this truth, this moment and forever, in the Your mighty and powerful name,
Yahushua Ha Mashiach.

We bind, smash and send to Yahushua all demonic spirits from the netherworld- spirits
in between, around or near us, trapped and bound spirits, and all familiar spirits. We
bind, smash and send back for judgment all demonic spirits inhabiting animals, strange
and ungodly creatures, hybrids, mutations, giants, shape shifters, artificial intelligence,
and the nephilim, or so called aliens. We declare that these spirits are forbidden to be
activated from whatever source they come from, whether it be from witches or warlocks,
demons or fallen angels, through chants, spells, curses, hexes, vexes, divination, white
or black magic, incantations, incarnations of demonic entities, mediation or any type of
magic in any form whatsoever.

We bind, smash, and forbid any and all types of sorcery in our lives and all those who
are the children of God in the mighty name of Yahushua. We bind, smash and break all
evil affecting our senses of sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing; all evil against our
emotions; all evil against the seven points of the body used by witchcraft and new age
practices known as the chakras- the base of the spine, spleen, navel, heart, throat,
between the eyes, and on the top of the head.

We bind, smash and break all evil sent to attack and harm our bodies, Yahushua’s earthly
Temples- the digestive, skeletal, muscular, reproductive, respiratory, circulatory, and
nervous systems, including every other system and related part of the body- brain,
organs, skin, tissues, cells, and especially our blood which carries our Father’s precious
and Holy DNA. All witchcraft sponsored infirmities focused on our bodies break and be
brought to ashes now by Father’s Holy Spirit Fire. We bind, smash, and send back to
Yahushua for judgment all attempts by demonic forces to corrupt our DNA by
infiltration of any kind. We break and cancel any attempts to implant into our bodies
anything that will change our DNA and cause corruption.

We cover every source of nourishment that enters our bodies in the form of food or drink
with your Holy and precious blood Yahushua. We declare that all attempts by demonic
forces to infiltrate or cause harm in any way to our bodies through unclean, tainted
sources and practices be null and void this moment in Yahushua’s mighty name. We
especially bind and smash all attempts by the enemy to infiltrate our DNA by causing
the consumption of any form of tainted or corrupt substances which have been altered
from their purest and original form, in any way. This includes all genetically modified
substances, vaccines and substances that have been tainted with unholy blood coming
from aborted fetuses, or ungodly practices strictly forbidden by Our Father.

We bind, smash, and break with Yahushua’s blood and His Holy Spirit Fire, any and all
witchcraft, evil powers and demons giving assistance to, or pulling energy from our
bodies, as they draw power from the planets, sun, moon, and stars, constellations, air,
wind, fire, water, light, darkness, matter, the elements, or from lines, squares, circles,
symbols, artifacts, or by any other means whereby spells, curses and potions are used

against us. In the name of Yahushua, we bind, smash and break any transference of
demonic spirits sent by satan or his demons, witches or warlocks that would come
against us- family, friends, or acquaintances. We take up the sword of the Spirit, The
Holy Word of Yahuah, and we sever all evil soul ties between these evil spirits and our
family, friends, and acquaintances. We pray that this prayer would be in effect by the
blood of Yahushua for all those in our family line and all those we have ever met or have
had contact with in this life.

Yahushua, in your mighty name, We cover all communications and equipment that we
use daily with Your Holy and sanctified blood, and we declare that no demonic force or
spirit of any kind is permitted to enter, travel through or control any device(s) that we
use. This includes all media- phones, tablets, computers, internet, wifi signals, electric or
solar connections, generators, plumbing, and all other devices used as a part of our daily
life. We anoint and seal all entrance points with Your precious blood, covering them and
preventing them from all infiltration attempts by demons of any kind.
We refuse to accept the mark of the beast spiritually and physically, and we pray
Yahushua that You would enable our loved ones to understand the consequences of
taking the mark of the beast when it becomes mandatory in this world in order to buy,
sell and survive. We command all demonic spirits coming from the evil eye, third eye,
masonic eye, and the all seeing eye in the name of Yahushua to go to You immediately
for judgment and be sent to the lake of fire.

We cancel by the blood of Yahushua any and all satanic covenants, oaths, vows, pacts,
permissions, petitions, entrances and agreements made by all our ancestors going back
to Adam and Eve. Any curse whatsoever made by any agent of satan that has been
placed on our bloodline from any generation is now declared null and void by Your
mighty and precious blood Father.

Yahushua, before we sleep tonight, we pray You would cover us, our loved ones, and all
Your children with Your Holy and precious blood, surrounding us with your warrior
angels and Your whirlwind of fire. We ask that you would place your blood on all
entrance points to our dwelling places and that of our loved ones-gates, doors, windows,
and entrance ways, etc… preventing any attempt by the enemy or his minions to visit or
enter and cause torment in any way. We declare that every spirit of the enemy, whether
unclean, familiar, or however a spirit is attempting to manifest during the night that
would disturb our sleep and trouble our minds break and be destroyed and brought to
ashes now by the Fire of The Holy Spirit. We declare that we will have peaceful dreams
of the Kingdom this night, and we renounce all dreams of torment, death and sorrow in
Your mighty and powerful name, Yahushua.

Every night demon, especially lilu and lilith, and incubus and succubus spirits receive
the arrow of destruction and sword of Yahushua’s Spirit. Break and be destroyed by His
Holy Spirit Fire NOW in Yahushua’s mighty name.
All dark angels who are watching us from demonic realms, break and be brought to
ashes NOW by the fire of Yahushua’s Holy Spirit. Every satanic network that is
operating against us, we send Yahushua’s Holy Spirit Fire to destroy you. Father, deflect
any arrows by day and terrors by night from locating us, and place us in Your
supernatural wall of fire, insulating us from all attacks of the enemy.

From the entrance to the exit of our dwelling places, up and down every stair or level,
we position Your power and presence Yahushua to monitor and prevent any satanic
invaders from coming against us while we sleep. We forbid the entrance of any type of
demonic creature, hybrid, animal, or any other demonic being or minion from entering
our dwelling places while we sleep. All demonic spirits attached to anyone or anything
in the area of our dwelling places are hereby rendered ineffectual, harmless and broken
and destroyed by Yahushua’s Holy Spirit Fire.

Yahushua, Father, we loose Your love, Your power and authority in this place, Your
protection, Your strength, Your healing and wholeness, Your mercy and grace, Your
blessings and favor, and all provisions needed to fulfill our purpose. We loose the
restoration of all that the enemy has stolen from us, and we pray that more children of
God may be saved by these prayers and obedience to You. We ask for twelve plus
legions of angels to preside over our dwelling places in order to keep the enemy from
attacking any of us.

Father, Yahushua, our entire existence is consecrated to You, and we ask for Your mighty
and powerful blood to always cover, course through and protect us from all forces of
darkness, no matter what they may be. Thank you that we can speak these words of
prayer from our heart with all confidence and assurance that You are faithful to Your
Word, and that when we speak these words, they breathe life with every utterance. You
have not given me the spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind.
We are at Your feet, at Your service, and we humbly pray that You would hear this
prayer and answer us according your perfect will. We adore you! we praise you! We
honor and glorify You! You are The Most High, The Messiah and Master of all creation,
and our soon coming Bridegroom!!

Thank you for hearing us and thank you for your love and faithfulness in answering our
prayers. All praise, honor and glory to you Yahushua!


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