September 20, 2024
Messiah 2030 Review – Fatally Flawed?
Messiah 2030 is a very popular series of videos that feature extensive and exhaustive research to prove that the Second Coming of Jesus will occur in the year 2030.
This idea fits with my personal eschatology (much more so than the ridiculous “Little Season” idea that I talked about recently), and quite frankly, I’d love for it to be true!
But while these videos are very well done and feature an extraordinary and admirable amount of content and effort, the 2030 theory is not without flaws. Some of them are relatively minor, however, there are a couple of flaws in this theory that are serious…possibly fatal.
We explore these ideas in this special episode of Faith By Reason
Earth and Mars Resonate Orbits
My Review of the “Little Season of Satan” (DEAR GOD what a bad theory!!)
I am very interested to see what you make of MESSIAH2030.
I appreciate your efforts as a brother in Christ, as we all seek to correctly divide God’s Word, in both spirit and truth.
Early in your presentation, you completely dismiss any possibility that the Chapter : Verse Numbers in the King James Bible (and other later English versions, thereafter) can be used by God to reveal Himself.
[Not to say MESSIAH2030 used such Chapter : Verse Numbers…]
Please indulge me for a moment.
Just as God created colossal living beasts to provide the oil/energy reserves that mankind would need later, do you not think it is possible that God Himself inspired the King James Bible – knowing that the English language would become the planet’s de-facto international language – with which to reach the wider population of modern mankind?
With this in mind, I want to provide you with a link below, which – if you take the time to watch and seriously consider – I believe will remove any doubts you may have.
There is no doubt in my mind, that God is at work here and the author is as Godly and humble a servant as I have encountered…
I greatly welcome your feedback also.
Keep up the great work – as we link arms and help each other stay firmly fixed to the narrow path.
Just to be clear, I said that the chapter and verse breaks were not in the original text, and therefore not inspired by the Holy Spirit. That is not in dispute by any scholars. Those breaks were added several centuries later, and those who added the chapter and verse breaks did it based on their own judgment and none of them claimed that they were inspired by God. That is also not in dispute. Is it POSSIBLE that God could use them? I suppose so, theoretically. But it is not something that anyone should base their doctrine on.
More importantly, one has to grapple with the question:
Is it possible for proponents of a heresy to simultaneously be guided by the Holy Spirit?
The question is relevant as Messiah 2030 are strong adherents to the Hebrew Roots Movement. The lineage of Sacred Name Movement and Armstrongism.
Hebrew Roots Movement is sometimes labeled Torahism. Either way, it’s the concept of submitting once again to the yoke of Levitical Law. Meaning, if one can so badly misinterpret Scripture to this point, what confidence does anybody have that other interpretation can be accurate?