October 2, 2018

Satan: god of Death – FBR Podcast #48

Satan is the god of Death. Part of the curse God pronounced on Satan in Genesis 3 was that “dust would be his food”.  We know from earlier in that passage, that “dust” denoted the physical death of men.  Thus Satan was cursed to desire and “hunger” for man’s death, while ALSO desiring man’s worship!  This contradiction in desire resulted in Satan’s insanely twisted love/hate relationship with humanity. He is the god of Death because he wants to destroy us, but since he wants to be like God, he covets our worship and devotion. It also helps explain his post-fall personality and characteristics.  We will explore what all that means in this week’s podcast.

Related links

Know Thy Enemy – Part 3: Speak of the Devil (blog post)

Know Thy Enemy – Part 4: To Rival the Devil (blog post)

Satan Bites the Dust

Next Podcast: What are Fallen Angels and Demons?



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