October 1, 2012
Know Thy Enemy – Part 4: To Rival the Devil
“From now on we are enemies, You and I. Because You choose for Your instrument a boastful, lustful, smutty, infantile boy and give me for reward only the ability to recognize the incarnation. Because You are unjust, unfair, unkind, I will block You, I swear it. I will hinder and harm Your creature on earth as far as I am able!” – Salieri, “Amadeus”
Satan’s pride and desire for worship led him to rebel against God. He was defeated and cast out of Heaven. With this in mind, its understandable, that Satan’s position toward God is one of animosity. But when you look through the Bible (and the world in general), its pretty clear that Satan has a healthy dose of antagonism toward us as well.
Why does Satan hate us so much? Well obviously if Satan hates God, he’d naturally want to destroy anything that God loves. But I think there is more to it than that. Satan doesn’t just see man as cannon fodder in his Spiritual Warfare with God. He sees us as his rivals!
A hidden scroll reveals all!
In fact, the creation of man may have been a part of the impetus for Lucifer’s rebellion and the start of all spiritual warfare. We don’t know exactly how it happened; however during a recent beer run in Nepal (no one makes ale like the Nepalese) a street merchant sold me a parchment that detailed a conversation between God and Lucifer that may shed light on the subject (and of course we know that if something is written on a mysterious ancient parchment, it MUST be true. Right?). Here is the transcript:
Lucifer – “Oh glorious Lord, your Angels all agree that your creations are a worthy reflection of your holiness and perfection! (None more so than me, of course, since I am your ultimate creation).”
God – “That’s true, but I’m not done. What I’m about to do next will be the pinnacle of my creations.”
Lucifer – “…but…I’m the pinnacle of your creations…right?”
God – “Well, yes. Currently. But I’m going to create Man. And Man will be greater than you.”
Lucifer – “But I’m the Seal of Perfection! How can this “man” creature be greater than me?! Nothing is greater than me!”
God – “I’m greater than you. And I’m going to make Man in my image.”
Lucifer – “Why would you do that?”
God – “To add another Person to my Trinity – to increase Our love.”
Lucifer – “So you’re going to make Man in your image…but he will be created equal to me, right? After all, I’m your ultimate creation. Technically you can’t create anything higher than me.”
God – “ Actually I’m going to create Man a in a lower form than the Angels.”
Lucifer – “You’re kidding!”
God – “I don’t kid. Men will have free will. I want to give them the opportunity to choose Me, my righteousness, and my love. If they do, they will become one with me and share my Throne.”
Lucifer – “Are you serious?!”
God – “I’m always serious.”
Lucifer – “How do you expect me to deal with these creatures?!”
God – “I expect you and the rest of the Angelic host to serve and minister to men. Man will eventually rule over you.”
Lucifer – “No way!”
God – “Way.”
Lucifer – “You expect me to serve these things?!”
God – “Yes.”
Lucifer – “Do you know who I am?!”
God – “Uh, yeah. I made you.”
Lucifer – “These are absolutely unacceptable working conditions! I won’t stand for it! I demand to speak to my union rep!”
God – “What are you talking about? Where are you going?”
Lucifer – “I need to make some calls.”
We “stole” Satan’s legacy
Adam was created in God’s image. That is a claim that no other created being, including Satan could make. Moreover, we’re destined to have all the things that Satan desired before he fell:
For you have said in your heart: “I will ascend into heaven. I will exalt my throne above the stars of God. I will also sit on the mount of the congregation on the farthest sides of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High. – Isaiah 14:12-14
However, it is God’s human children who will ascend to Heaven. We will be in a position of authority over the stars [angels] of God . We will share God’s authority . We will be like the Most High.
So what do you imagine someone as vain, destructive, and temperamental as Satan would do if he felt that someone has stolen what was rightfully his? He’d steal the things that have been given to them by God!
And Satan has actually been pretty successful in that venture to the point that he has taken possession of much of what God originally gave to man. How? We’ll examine that question next time
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