April 6, 2021

Revelation Unveiled Ep 26 The White Rider and Satan’s Empire

In this episode, we begin a deep dive into Revelation chapter 6, from the perspective I’ve established – namely that the 6 seals and Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are not judgements from God, but are actually a deception from Satan.  The deception is that of a false apocalypse to usher in his false messiah and one-world government.

We start with an examination of the concept of the Four Hoursemen and a look at the first rider on the White Horse who most (including me) see at the Antichrist.  Who is this intriguing figure?  How will he begin his career?  How does he fit into Satan’s plan?  We talk about it all this week!

Related links:

Apocalypse NOT! Part 1 (blog post)

Next Episode:  The Red and Black Horsemen


2 thoughts on “Revelation Unveiled Ep 26 The White Rider and Satan’s Empire
  1. Brett Schaefer II

    Random thought, and I haven’t looked into this yet. Could the “miracles” of Jannes and Jambres in Egypt have any correlation to these deceptive horsemen? And when they couldn’t keep up with Yahuahs miracles, could that be like the true judgements coming from Yah will be more powerful and on the next level from the man of sin’s “miracles?” Just wanted to get this thought out quick.

    Thank you so much for this new, unique, biblically sound interpretation of Revelation 6. Your study and work here is inspiring.


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