June 28, 2017

Religious Pride: The Path Away From God – FBR Podcast #22

Religious acts you perform are not about God.  They are actually all about YOU!  God hates religion because religion is based on pride.  When Jesus was on earth, the only people He had a problem with were the religion peddlers (Pharisees).  So what is religion?  Why do we perform it?  And why do we think it’s from God?  In this week’s podcast:

  • The definition of religion
  • The “benevolent” reason why we get religious
  • Why you can’t get to heaven by “being good”
  • How religion is self-delusion
  • When you are religious, you are trying to be superior to God
  • Why do many Christians practice religion?

Related links

Religion: Acts of Justification (blog post)

What God thinks about our religion

The cruel surprise awaiting religious people

Next podcast:  How Religion causes brain damage


2 thoughts on “Religious Pride: The Path Away From God – FBR Podcast #22
  1. Pam

    Thank you for your honesty and not being afraid of explaining scripture as it is. It has helped me a lot. I appreciate your knowledge and spent my whole evening at work listening. God bless.


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