May 16, 2020

Church, the Bride of Christ – FBR Podcast #74

The Church is called The Bride of Christ. But what does that mean? And for that matter, what IS the Church? We’re all sophisticated enough to know that the Church is not simply the building in which Christians gather. And despite what certain religious groups say, the Church is not an exclusive organization “built upon” the Apostle Peter. Nor is it any formal group, organization, or movement.

The word translated “Church” is the Greek word “Ecclesia”, which means “the called-out ones”. The Church of Jesus Christ consists of individuals who accept Christ’s gift of salvation, and are thus “called out” of the world, and into citizenship in Heaven.

The Apostle Paul also calls the Church a “Mystery”, and he reveals that mystery I the book of Ephesians when he equates marriage to the relationship between Christ and the Church. The Church is the Bride of Christ! The process of Christ choosing, winning, and claiming His Bride follows the pattern of the Jewish wedding.

We will talk about this extraordinary doctrine on this week’s podcast.

Related links

The Church, Mysteries and Prizes

The Jewish Wedding Model

Next Podcast: Revelation Video Series Preview


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