January 22, 2013
Know Thy Enemy – Part 7: The Devil’s Advocates (cont.)
Unlike God, Satan is not transcendent. He can’t be everywhere at once to rule his kingdom, but he has help. When he initiated spiritual warfare and fell from Heaven, a great number of angels fell with him.
The Bible doesn’t give us a great deal of information about angels, and since human curiosity abhors a vacuum of knowledge, people have filled in the blanks with details and characterizations of angels. Unfortunately, many of these depictions are quite fanciful and/or completely wrong.
What angels DON’T look like
For example, there are no female angels; angels are always depicted as male (despite a very convincing argument by Victoria’s Secret). Also, angels don’t have a pair of feathery wings. A small group of special angels called Seraphim have wings – but they have six, and it isn’t clear that they look anything like bird’s wings. And they don’t have halos (I’m not even sure what the point of depicting them with halos was in the first place).
In the last post, I presented a Biblical passage which provides a rare look into the world of angels (good and bad). In that passage from the book of Daniel, we see that there is an invisible war going on all around us that impacts our world (and that we can affect!). In addition to giving us insight into God’s plan through the prophesy that the angel gives Daniel, this passage also gives us some interesting details about angels.
Angels are powerful
If you were to ever see an angel in all its glory, you wouldn’t feel comforted or enraptured by its beauty. You’d nearly drop a brick in your shorts, just like most people in the Bible who encountered them! Angels operate on a level of power that we can scarcely understand and dwarfs anything we can come up with. One angel killed 185,000 Assyrians one night after dinner! These are NOT creatures that you want to mess around with.
Fallen angels share Satan’s goals
Satan’s goal is to block and hinder the plan of God and all efforts to advance that plan. The prophesies given in the book of Daniel are some of the most important in the Bible and reveal much about God’s plan. So it seems that the most powerful territorial spirit of that era went to battle in order to prevent Daniel from getting the prophesy (Persia was the most powerful world empire at the time). Which brings us to the next thing we learn about fallen angels…
Fallen angels are territorial
When Adam and Eve committed Original Sin, their dominion of Earth was given to Satan and his crew. After the dispersion of Babel, God specifically gave stewardship of the nations to angels (with Israel serving as His national representatives). The Bible indicates that these stewards failed miserably in their role (good help is hard to find).
We know from Daniel and other Biblical references that spiritual entities are often the power behind human leaders.
Its interesting that the “Prince of Persia” was the spiritual entity trying to block Daniel’s message. Persia was a dominant world empire and Daniel lived during the height of that kingdom. But note that the Angel with the prophesy stated that after he goes back to fight the prince of Persia, he will have to later fight the Prince of Greece! The Greek empire conquered the Persians and became the subsequent world empire, but it wouldn’t happen for another 200 years after Daniel’s life!
There is a LOT going on in the spiritual world that we can only scarcely perceive. And it leads to other provocative questions: has every dominant world power in history had an evil spiritual “prince” ruling over it? Is there currently a “Prince of the Power of the United States” presiding over us right now (and is he from a red state or a blue state)?
And to bring it a little closer to home, since there are possibly billions of fallen angels out there (enough for each one of us), are you someone’s spiritual “territory”? (Boo!)
Satan’s kingdom is fractured
As we saw in an earlier post, Satan’s desire to rule over the earth perfectly is constantly thwarted because men share his rebellious nature and his desire to rule. Well, the same is true for his angelic counterparts. Although they may share the same big picture goals, they don’t fall into lockstep with Satan when it comes to ruling their particular principalities. Note that when the prince of Greece succeeded the prince of Persia as the dominant world power, it wasn’t through an amicable transition of power. It was the result of a bloody war that cost tens of thousands of lives! (Not to mention whatever spiritual warfare took place in the angelic realm). And so it has been with just about every conflict between kingdoms. Even as the world marches toward the Armageddon scenario where Satan’s own personal world rule is at its zenith under the Antichrist, there are still kingdoms that don’t fall into line.
Help from below
So man and fallen angels have something in common in that they share Satan’s comparative goals to rule. It would seem logical that they take advantage of this shared ambition to advance their common aspirations. And in fact they do! Evil spiritual entities have often been the power behind a group of mortals that have had historic designs on ruling this world. We will explore how Satanic entities have used and been used by our old friends the Mystics – next time
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