Start Here

Seriously. What’s the point? I’ve found myself asking that question of life more and more as time goes on… and I’m not alone.
We’re born, we learn how to walk, we learn where and where not to poop. Our parents teach us to not stick a fork in electrical outlets and to never be in a room alone with uncle Lester. Then they send us to school where we learn to manage our emotions and expectations while memorizing a bunch of stuff – 20% of which is actually useful (to this day I have yet to gain any benefit from knowing how to find the square root of a number). Then we’re off to college and if we’re driven (or masochistic) enough, graduate school. We go on to find a career and a spouse. We start a family, buy a house, go on vacations, punt the kids out of the house to start their lives, save for retirement, then idle away our remaining years in an RV or a motorized scooter while waiting for the sweet release of mortality.
Seems rather horrifying when you look at it, but it’s the path we’re all primed to go on. It’s the socially acceptable way to live life. But it’s only utilitarian. School, work, kids, and saving accounts are a means to achieve a certain level of survival, comfort, and security, but they are not a “purpose”. They aren’t “the point”. If they were, then those of us who manage success on this path wouldn’t be so overcome with the drive to find higher meaning in life. We wouldn’t still be asking, “What’s the point?”
Everywhere we turn, we are confronted by those who tell us to look “beyond ourselves” to satisfy the need for purpose. They tell us purpose is found in leaving a legacy, “making an impact” (whatever that means), and making the world a better place. This usually comes in the form of a cause we choose to support. These generally consist of “ending” something like hunger, homelessness, or a disease. Or “saving” something like a bird we’ve never seen, a rain forest we’ll never visit, or the whales.
Really? “Save the whales”? Is that it? Is my life to be defined by how many 80-ton, krill sucking leviathans are left behind when I die? This can’t be the point.
The problem is, try as we might, we can’t escape the question. We all ask, “What’s the point?” with our actions even if we don’t do it verbally. When we don’t get an acceptable answer, we try to anesthetize ourselves against the question or distract ourselves from it with alcohol, sports, music, food, vacations, sex, shopping, fantasies, and all the other indulgences and excesses that stimulate our various glands and mental pleasure centers (I should add “church” to this list).
But once the adrenaline, estrogen, endorphins, testosterone, and digestive enzymes have subsided; once the bills (or bail) has been paid, we’re back to the question we’ve been asking from the start. What’s the point?
We all want to know “What’s the point?” We want to know why we’re all here. We want to know why EVERYTHING is here. The first priority of this blog is to address that question. But before we can answer the question “What is all this for?” We need to ask “What IS all this?” What is existence? It’s a good question. Lets start there…
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I don’t know how to find my URL. Sorry. I have just started reading your posts. They are very interesting.
Thank you! I hope you keep reading, and please feel free to comment
Hey Ed, you are doing the Lord’s work!. I caught fire for Jesus about a year ago and recently heard you on “The Tin Foil Hat” podcast (dynamite). I just wanted to reach out and say thanks! I truly believe that there is currently a revival in the Lord that is gaining traction across this country (& the world) with the help of people like yourself. Continue to be an instrument in the hand of God! Can you direct me to any similar content that you would recommend on YouTube? I’m always looking for meaningful word during the limited time I get to watch my television.
Hi Greg, thanks for your response. I really appreciate the kind words. I agree that a revival is in the works (probably the last one), and the Spirit is moving in a remarkable way. It seems that everyone, even “atheists” are acknowledging the reality of the spiritual realm. I wish there were more similar youtube channels I could recommend, but I do like Truth Unedited, Timothy Albarino, Steve Quayle (not sure if his channel is still up), and L.A. Marzuli
I am a 64, year old guy from Canada an I am a christian an ignorant one as well. I can’t defend my faith an have more questions than answers.. I realize that you are very bright an I am learning an enjoy your podcasts. I just want to encourage you in the lord. I I also enjoy your dry sence of humor, I too am a big Kim kardashian fan as well, Not!!!!
Hi Ron!
First of all, I’m SO SORRY that it has taken so long to respond to you. I try to respond to comments within 24 hours of receiving them, but for some reason, I was not alerted to yours. So I apologize.
That said, I greatly appreciate the encouragement and PLEASE feel free to ask ANY questions you have about your faith. If I can give you an answer, then I get to be of value to you. If I don’t have the answer, then I get the opportunity to learn! And yes, the Kardashians are proof that Satan exists.
Thanks for writing!
Do you believe in near death experiences? I would like to believe in them but scripture tells me that there is a gulf between this world and you cant pass from one to another. I think that is found with the story about the rich dude an Lazarus.
Hi Ron,
The reports of near-death experiences are almost impossible to quantify because there is no way to prove that the person did, or did not see what they claimed to see. So I honestly take those reports with a grain of salt. One thing that makes me doubt them is when they describe the “Jesus” they claimed to have seen, and he looks like the common portraits we see of a skinny Caucasian man with long hair and a goatee. When the real Jesus (being a first-century middle-eastern Jew) obviously would have looked nothing liked that. That makes me believe that what people are actually seeing is a projection in their own minds of what THEY think Heaven will be like based on their own preconceived notions. The only thing close to a “near-death experience” in the Bible would be Stephen in the book of Acts, who saw Jesus and Jehovah on His throne when he was being stoned to death.
You spoke bout Tithing in one of your podcasts. Can you tell me which podcast it was? Thanks! I also like your comment bout The room full of lawyers an the rapture..Maybe bout 3 out of 100 would be taken up! lol..Good one. thanks So much for the info. God Bless.
Thanks Ron. Here is the podcast that includes tithing
You may have changed your position on this by now, but if not, please check out Dr. J. Steve Miller’s work on near death experiences (and death bed experiences). He’s a Christian apologist and he’s written a few books on the subject. Here’s his website:
Here’s an interview on Sean McDowell’s youtube channel discussing his first book, Near-Death Experience:
I discovered you on an episode of Sam Tripoli’s Tin Foil Hat podcast (bummed the end got cut off due to technical difficulties). I’m looking forward to getting into your site more.
I do have aquestion as part of my research. Do u believe Neanderthals lived before the flood and how would they have survived if they lived after also? Im interested in how many types of tribes lived before like nephilim? Thanks love the site!! Big fan
Hi Travis
Thank you for your kind words. I appreciate that you’re a fan of FBR!
As for your questions – first of all, I have a few issues with the idea of Neanderthals. Their existence is mostly promoted by secular scientists, who have an agenda to promote the naturalistic worldview and disprove supernatural creation. As such, I tend to doubt the intellectual honesty of some of their findings.
God made man as His unique image-bearers. I have no reason to believe that God created any “semi-human” beings. The so-called Neanderthal skulls and skeletons are either some form of extinct simians (apes), remains of Nephalim, or outright frauds constructed by secular scientists to promote their evolutionary world view, like Piltdown Man, and Java Man.
If it’s the latter, then no further examination is necessary. If they are simian, then they should be viewed no differently than any other animal whom Adam had authority over. If they are Nephalim, then they are either members of the first incursion who died in the Flood, or they are one of the latter incursions who appeared during the Exodus and conquest of the Promised Land.
There are Bible teachers who believe that some Nephalim survived the Flood. I am not one of them. The purpose of the Flood was to destroy the Nephilim who existed during that time. If Nephalim survived the Flood, then that means that God failed. And I do not believe that God is capable of failing in any physical endeavor He undertakes. Therefore the Nephalim who are around after the Flood must be the result of additional incursions by Angelic beings cohabitating with human women after the Flood.
Dear Ed,
I am compelled to convey my heartfelt gratitude for the profound impact your podcasts have made on my spiritual journey. Your insightful discussions and fresh perspectives on familiar stories have been a beacon of enlightenment for me. Growing up in the Jehovah’s Witness religion and later distancing myself from it, I found solace in maintaining a connection with God.
Your exploration of “replacement theology” struck a chord deep within me, shedding light on aspects I had questioned in my younger years but couldn’t articulate during my time in that faith.
I appreciate the refreshing perspective your podcast provides, challenging preconceptions and encouraging a thoughtful reexamination of one’s beliefs.
In essence, your podcast has become a guiding light on my journey to rediscover and strengthen my faith. Thank you for offering the spiritual nourishment I needed and for creating a space where I can earnestly reevaluate my understanding of God’s word.
Warm regards,
Benjamin Vachon
Hi Benjamin, I am humbled and thankful for your comments. People like you are the reason that I love creating content for Faith By Reason.
Hi Ed, great work. I would love your input on this short video describing God.
Hi Jakub, I watched the video. In a nutshell, the creator(s) present a series of cascading Straw-man arguments against God based terms they give that are either poorly defined, incorrectly defined, contradictory, and/or not presented in the Biblical text. All their claims against God have been addressed on this site over the years.
Great series, I’ve always been so confused about this book, and you your explanation of the seven churches was very enlightening. However, I have one critique on you interpretation of the church of Sartis. The big change the reformation brought to the church is the removal of the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. In John chapter 6 Jesus clearly states unless you eat the flesh and drink the blood of the son of man, you will have no life within you. When the multitude questioned this teaching, Jesus reiterating what he was saying. He was being quite literal, and all but the 12 disciples left him. Jesus is saying the church of Sartis looks alive, but is dead because they stopped taking the the flesh and blood of Jesus.
Hi Andrew, Thank you for your comments. Question – Do you believe Salvation is physical or spiritual?
I found you on Sam Tripoli podcast..
due to your profound knowledge and sharing of such information
I actually understand many things I have never been able to grasp or shed light on…
I just have this one burning desire or question …..
God ,…AKA YAHWEH.. Jahova , creator of humans ….he made us.. even created our existence.. I believe all that !! I just have a hard time believing he is alone..
Could there be multiple Gods ? Yahweh is just the one who created us ?? It doesn’t stand to reason that one with a name is not amongst others
If I understand correctly, our physical body stays in the physical world, our spirit will be taken to the spiritual world.
Hi Andrew, I’m not sure what you are referring to here. Death? The Rapture? Something else?
I’ve just found out about this page/podcast and have been binge listening to them all! So far im on #28 Does God need evil? That podcast was in 2017 so it’s possible ur stance has changed but i was always of the belief that God does need evil, otherwise he wouldn’t know who was “good” and pure. Almost using evil against evil to wean them out. But then i also struggle with the knowledge that God knows everything and is omnipresent.. therefore he already knows all of these questions. Which always leads me back to this is a test or a cleansing to purify good and evil instead of just trying to destroy evil which leads back to needing evil.
Hi James,
Remember the definitions that I gave for good and evil. Good is that which creates in the long term. Evil is that which destroys in the long term. You can create with out destroying anything. But you cannot destroy unless something has been created as your object of destruction. So evil needs good, not the other way around. If Adam and Eve had not sinned, Eden would have existed forever without evil. In Heaven/The New Jerusalem, there will be no evil and it will last for eternity. So God clearly does not need evil to achieve His will.
Hey Ed. I have a podcast, Be Good Broadcast, where I just rebroadcast publicly available biblical content as a hobby and as a way to spread the Word. I’m just finishing up rebroadcasting your mentor, Chuck Missler’s Revelation series.
I’ve been listening to your Revelation series with NDS and I love it.
I was wondering if you would mind if I rebroadcasting your full, unedited, revelation series just to get it out there into more ears and hopefully direct more people back you you and your work.
I get around 600K Spotify impression in 30 days and have around 9K followers on Spotify. I used to rattle the can for donations but I gave up on that years ago and now just do it to spread The Word and bring people to Christ. There would be absolutely zero strings attached and would link back to you in as many ways as I can.
If you think this is something you would entertain please reply back here or just email me @ begoodbroadcast AT gmail.
I’d appreciate it.
Thanks for all you do Ed.
Hey! I would love for you to share my content. Thank you! Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
My pleasure my friend! I’ll shoot you some links when I get it done.
Is there a YouTube Playlist of all of the Revelation series? Possibly an unlisted one you could send me? I have a program that allows me to download full playlists.
Also, if there are any other links back to you and your content that you can think of besides your YouTube, and your X account, please shoot them to me via email, begoodbroadcast at gmail, so I can include them in the podcast description.
And if there is a quick snippet of a bio that you would like me to include in the podcast description I would be more than glad to include in it all the episodes. If not I’ll whip something up from the stuff on
Thanks again Ed and God bless brother.
Could you make a playlist on your YouTube channel with all 60 episodes of the Revelation series on 1 playlist?
I really like the series, and would like to be able to share the whole playlist for Revelation to others, and it be in one playlist I can share.
Thanks if you can.
Yes please Ed!
Please make a YouTube playlist if you would.
Sure. I put the playlist up.
Ed I cannot wait for the Genesis series! Also will definitely be signing up for the Patreon bible study. I first heard you on TF HAT, then on Nephillim Death Squad. In big part to you I have renewed my faith and decided to walk the path with Jesus. Thank you! I love your solo work but you seem to relish to be able to bounce the ideas of off people like Top and Raven. I hope you make that a regular thing I love them! Support this man Ed!! Let’s keep his God promoting vehicle running.
Thank you Gio! you can find my Patreon here –
Thank you Ed.
Iv listened to your episodes on NDS regarding Revelation. You are a wonderful teacher and a cheerful voice on lonely days at work. You are truly doing the Lord’s work.
I am one of Jehovah’s witnesses and I am hoping to contact you to ask your thoughts on a couple things. Please let me know if this is possible…
Hi Braydon,
I answer questions on my Patreon channel
You can send me a direct message there
Hi Ed, very happy to have found you as I heard you on an episode of Nephilim Death Squad, and I have been going back and listening to the Book of Revelation Episodes you have done with them in order, and it’s been life changing.
I have always been weird about God, Jesus and religion as all I was told growing up is that these old, bearded men in the sky called God and Jesus love me and I’m supposed to love them back, with pretty much no context, so it’s always just been weird to me. I have never understood it to even be able to fully jump on board of the religion.
I use to be addicted to drugs for a good 10 years and right at the end of my addiction….I stumbled upon the movie “The Fourth Kind” and it absolutely scared the crap out of me. I had never ever seen a movie that caused that much emotion and fear in me. The reason being how it intertwined aliens with the idea of being God. It made me rethink everything I ever knew or thought about God. Then the scene in the movie showing the aliens using Sumerian language to speak…this led me down a huge journey of research on the internet where I learned of the Anunnaki theory, as well as all the Egyptian & other mysteries of the world, leading me to discover the show Ancient Aliens, which led me down a whole rabbit hole of my mind being blown away on a daily basis of everything I was coming to realize. After realizing how wild this all was, it actually made me stop my drug use 100% as I realized if the world and reality is really this crazy, then I absolutely do not need drugs in the way of my thinking, and I stopped fully in 2011. Ever since I have kept up with the theories in the back of my mind trying to make sense of things as time goes on…. seeing all the UFO videos…. seeing UFOS become mainstream…. seeing all the different government conspiracies that keep coming into play. I keep coming back to the bible as its something I have never ever been able to understand….until now.
I have never gone to Church, but I have believed in God every day of my life but just have not ever actually known him until I got clean. It was like magic of how I learned of all of this bizarre news mentioned above….stopped the drug use….and how God jumped into my life and took over. He sent my fiancé to me, he gave me a brand new business that I have owned and operated successfully for 15 years now when I had never ever had a job in my life before. He changed my way of thinking. Life suddenly got better and easier, and I’ll never ever forget that day I prayed for a better life and understanding and he answered, No one I tell this too ever fully understands it … its like telling someone a UFO landed in my yard and I talked to an Alien for a little while before he flew off again. It’s something I can only tell myself and really fully understand what happened. I remember Easter of that year was approaching, so there were documentaries on about the Life/Crusifixion/Ressurecttion of Jesus which I was fully engaged in, and this 1005 without a doubt put the FACT in me, that Jesus was indeed a real person who walked the Earth, performed miracles, and was killed and brought back to life. I feel like this was the only way God could prove to humans was this very act of putting his son on Earth only to be killed to show everyone that he could bring him back to life and Jesus was the real deal. It’s like how am I going to believe in all of these aliens and UFOs but not believe the Jesus story as well? It all worked perfectly in conjunction to help me believe and realize there is a God and Jesus really exists. All I have to do, is look up in the sky to believe as I am shown the Sun, the Moon, Stars, Other Planets…if all of that is REAL….then there’s no way God and Jesus aren’t real!
Your talks about how aliens are the fallen angels …. omg it makes so much sense. I have thought this for years with my own understandings, but I never really knew if I was correct in my thinkings, but would always come back to the thought “umm this is kind of what its talking about in the bible…. like word for word.” I would like to believe there are aliens out there on other planets that God created as well but in good nature, as he did with humans on Earth, but the more and more as time goes on, I’m not so sure if there are any good aliens out there, and wondering if this is just fallen angels messing with mankind, and HARDCORE might I add as of recent times. Seems like every day we are getting closer to officials announcing we have made contact.
Anyways, I hope I don’t sound too crazy to you, I just wanted to comment and say I’m glad I found you and your website and podcast. You really break down Christianity in a way someone like me can understand. I could never go to a Church or talk to other Christians with them speaking to me in a manner that I could understand all of this with, and you do exactly that. You break it down in terms of history rather than some magic I’m supposed to believe in no matter what or I am doomed. With the history and facts, I am more able to believe. I think Christianity should be taught more like this where people can understand better and not be turned off as I see many are. I have never heard so many people say they don’t believe, or the Bible is nonsense, as I have in recent years….and I feel like they were all misled in the wrong direction by other humans or churches and made them feel a certain way, as to shut the idea of God out. My fiancé is kind of the same way as she mocks anytime God is brought up in a situation and I feel like she is only like that because of how other people in her life have made her feel on the subject and I don’t feel like that is fair to God. It literally took a miracle for me to realize what God, Jesus and the religion are, so I do understand, and I hope God can touch everyone out there the same way he did, to make me fully understand. and I’m glad he led me to finding your work to help me understand more, as I still do no go to Church or do any worshipping or bible study, but I fully believe, and would like to progress my beliefs as time goes on.
Thank you for helping me have a grasp on understanding all of this, and I look forward to following your work to progress my faith even more.
Wow! Thank you for sharing this. I’m glad that my work is able to inform and inspire you. That’s the reason that I do it! If you are able, I strongly recommend joining my Patreon where I host a monthly Bible Study with the express purpose of helping people grow they fellowship with God. We go through the Bible with a focus on the spiritual realm. I think it would be right up your alley.