January 31, 2017

What’s the Point of Existence and the Meaning of Life? FBR Podcast #2

Whether you are Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, atheist, or agnostic, we all face the same fundamental question – we all want to know “what’s the point?”  We want to know why we’re all here.  We want to know why EVERYTHING is here, and what it all means.  The first priority of this podcast is to address these questions.

  • Do we have a higher purpose?
  • Why are we perpetually unsatisfied?
  • Would having more money, fame, sex, status, and pleasures REALLY fulfill us?
  • Why do we feel drawn to seek purpose “outside of ourselves”?
  • Does existence really…exist? (or are we living in the Matrix)
  • Are there rules that govern existence?
  • Why finding the cause of existence is THE key to understanding”the point”.

*BONUS*  How to make money by beating up a moral relativist!

Related links:

What’s the Point

Existence Exists and other Brilliant Observations

Causality (or why ask why?)

Next Podcast – Where did God come from?


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