February 22, 2018

Fear and Faith Preachers. The Dark Side of Faith – FBR Podcast #35

Fear and Faith are opposites, in that one hopes for good, while the other expects evil. In this podcast, we will explore the dark side of faith, include so-called “Word faith” preachers who corrupt biblical faith to enrich themselves and mislead God’s people (and why I think they are the most committed atheists on earth).  God commands us not to fear anything except Him.  Fear, like faith, can be rational or irrational.  Rational fear is healthy, but irrational fear leads to destruction.  The Bible tells us that the remedy for fear is love!

Related links:

Fear Factor (blog post)

The passage that faith preachers corrupt


Next Podcast: The REAL reason for the flood – one of the most controversial doctrines in the Bible


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