August 2, 2019

Salvation: To Infinity and Beyond! FBR Podcast #65

Salvation is the central concept of Christianity. The idea that Jesus died for our sins, and rose again to offer us eternal life constitutes the very definition of the faith. But how could the death of one Man (even the God-Man) provide eternal salvation, not only for everyone who lives before Him, but for the billions of people who would live long after the Resurrection? How does a death 2000 years ago pay for the sins you’re going to commit tomorrow or next month?

In this week’s podcast, we will look at the mechanics of salvation, and how Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection provided enough value to make salvation available to all of humanity

Related links

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Jesus overcomes the World

Jesus overcomes the Flesh and the Devil

Next Podcast:  Are You Worshipping Jesus, or an Idol?


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