January 9, 2019

Sex in the Bible: Sex is Worship! FBR Podcast #54

Sex in the Bible is a controversial subject. Religious people lead us to think that God is a prude who frowns on sexual enjoyment.  But the truth is that Sex is worship!  Every time you have sex (with your spouse) you are worshipping God!  Another reason that sex in the Bible is a difficult subject, is because of all the rules and guidelines God gives in the Levitical Law.  But those rules are not meant to limit our pleasure, but rather to enhance it!  God was intentional when he made sex feel good!  Marital sex in the Bible is a reflection of God’s plan and a glimpse of the pleasure we will experience for ETERNITY!  But like any good thing, sex can be corrupted.  And this corruption can lead to physical, emotional, and spiritual harm.  In this week’s podcast, we will look at sex in the Bible, provide clear definitions for sex, marriage, adultery, and fornication and address the controversial topics such as “sex before marriage” (did you know that there is NO SUCH THING as “sex before marriage” according to scripture?), and the most controversial of all…homosexuality

Related links:

Grumpy old God (blog post)

The most explicit sex in the Bible

Next Podcast: How the Law Leads to Jesus


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