January 24, 2017

Does God Make Sense? FBR Podcast #1

If God is real and Christianity is true, then they should conform to objective logic and reason! Welcome to the first Faith By Reason podcast.  The FBR blog has been around since 2010 and it’s up to nearly 100 posts examining Christian Philosophy with logic, reason, and systematic analysis (and a snarky sense of humor).  This podcast is another way to engage my readers and provide exposition on the subject matter in the blog.  In this first podcast, I’ll cover:

  • An introduction to FBR and the podcast
  • The format of this podcast series and the blog
  • My rationale behind creating faithbyreason.net
  • Who should listen to this podacst (and who should NOT)
  • A little bit about who I am, why I’m doing this work, and why I’m NOT religious.

Reference links:

About Me

Who should (and should NOT) read Faith By Reason

What’s the point of existence and the meaning of life?

What’s wrong with religion

Contrastive thinking

Comparative Thinking

Proof that God has a sense of humor

Next Podcast – What’s the point of existence and the meaning of life?


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