November 3, 2018

Evil Angels – Rulers, Powers, and False Gods: FBR Podcast #50

evil angels

YHWH Hu Akbar!

Evil Angels (or Fallen Angels) influence our lives and the world around us. They wage an unseen war with the Holy Angels of God in the unseen realm.  The evil angels oppose the will and plan of God, while the Holy Angles fight to carry out His will and minister to us.  But we are not just bystanders in this conflict.  Our prayers and obedience empower the Holy Angels, while our pride, false worship, and indifference can shift the battle in the favor of the evil angels.  We’ll discuss these topics (along with discovering the TRUE identity of the entity worshiped by Islamics as “Allah”) in this week’s podcast.

Related links:

The Devils Advocates 1 (blog post)

The Devils Advocates 2 (blog post)

Supernatural Worldview

Daniel 10

Deuteronomy 32:8-9

Psalm 82

Next Podcast: Demons, Mystics…and Aliens?


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